Item : A plan of the Attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina by a Squad...


A plan of the Attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina by a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships on the 28th of June 1776 with the Disposition of the King's Land Forces and the Encampments and Entrenchments of the Rebels.


Archives nationales d'outre-mer (France)

FR CAOM 3DFC6C, FRCAOM_Canada002_frcaom3dfc6c

Orientation fleurdelysée. Plan des attaques du Fort Sulivan près de Charles-Town par l'escadre anglaise (Caroline du sud); en cartouche: "plan of the plateform in Sulivan Fort"; indication des navires; gravé en 1784 par William Faden et publié à Londres.

58,2 x 39,2 cm Plan gravé aquarellé Papier

6,2 cm pour 1 mille [1/25 951e]
